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    Draft wastewater code falls short of providing solutions for all soil types

    Self-builders in counties with poor drainage such as Leitrim and Wexford will continue to struggle to get planning permission, the draft Code of Practice published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week suggests. Even though the draft Code of Practice (COP) is making it easier to pass the percolation test, increasing the T-value from […] More

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    DIY wastewater options

    So, you’ve designed your house and are looking at an off-the-shelf effluent treatment system to ensure that you keep your groundwater clean and  local environment healthy. But is there a way to build your own treatment system? In a word, yes. The most common way to treat the wastewater that comes from one-off houses in the […] More

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    What is percolation?

    Every house needs some way to deal with the waste water it generates from flushing the toilet, from showers, washing machines, and so on. Images from The EPA Code of Practice: Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses (p.e.≤10) If you cannot connect to the mains wastewater network, then you will need an onsite […] More

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    Wastewater system maintenance

    I already have a septic tank, should I be worried that it’s not performing? People often forget all about their septic tanks once they’ve moved in but they do need to be desludged, generally once every year or every two years, depending on the size and use of the system (see last question). Other routine […] More

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    Septic tanks continue to fail ROI inspections

    More septic tanks failed government inspections in 2016 than in 2015, according to the ROI Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) review of the National Inspection Plan for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems. The report published today (14 November 2017) shows that 49 per cent of  septic tanks failed inspection in 2016, up from 45 per cent in 2015. […] More

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    €300 cash back for ROI water charges

    Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has promised those who have paid their water charges they will get a full refund by the end of the year, according to reports at the weekend.  According to RTE roughly €170 million has been collected in water charges before the controversial levy was abandoned by the Government earlier this year. The Irish Examiner […] More

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    Wastewater systems

    You will need to do some digging, perhaps literally, to find out what the best wastewater option is for your site – even before you buy the land as you may encounter difficulties if you are unable to connect to the main sewer. In ROI where the planning process is integrated with waste management, you […] More